
What's the difference between a Portrait Session and a Day in the Life Session?

A Portrait Session is roughly 45 minutes to an hour long session in a "controlled" environment.  Meaning, we pick a place (park, urban, studio, etc) and we encourage you to snuggle, smile, and laugh with each other.  They include light posing and reaction-encouraging activities.  Our Portrait Sessions are quite painless and reluctant dads have been known to say they're fun and "not as bad as they thought it would be"!  

A Day in the Life Session is typically done in-home and out-and-about with your family during a normal day.  With a Day in the Life Session there is ZERO posing and is only pure documentation.  We welcome ourselves into your lives and document your time as it happens.  We want to capture your family as it is...document a day in your family's history.

Why do I want a Portrait Session?

Portraits are the perfect "annual" session.