Outdoor Iowa Wedding | Charity + Austin

Roller Skate and Weddings

Wedding Photographers in Iowa

Shenandoah, Iowa

I was looking forward to this wedding ALL YEAR.  For so many reasons:
1. Iowa.  <3
2. Hawaii.
3. Roller skating.

Need I say more?

Both Charity and Austin have very close family that is from Hawaii.  Charity's parents fell in love there and lived there for many, many years before they moved back to God's Country (Iowa. Obviously.).  Thus, they have so many friends and family that still live there.  As does Austin.  So incorporating Hawaii into their wedding day was VERY important to them.  Additionally, Charity's mom told me that she has wanted to get married at Porter's Lake Roller Rink her ENTIRE life.  We can't help but think that's the sweetest thing and LOVE that she followed through.  It was important to her.  Her, Austin, their friends and family have stories galore from this place...so bringing all of their important people to an important place and an important day was perfect.

Charity got ready in her old bedroom at home and was decorated with her grandma's jewelry and veil...while Austin's car was decorated to the nines by his closest and most hilarious friends.  At one point I had to text Janine to see her location.  All she replied with was "You can't miss us."  She wasn't kidding.  

Their ceremony was absolutely beautiful outside at Porter's Lake Lutheran Center.  It was about as dreamy as it can get, to be honest.  The weather threatening rain, but never fulfilling the promise.  Their friends and family surrounding them amongst the mossy ponds.  They washed each others feet, their family prayed over them, and their family sang them a hymn that is dear to their hearts.  There wasn't a dry eye there.

After the "I dos", everyone made their way into the roller rink for DELICIOUS BBQ (Weinreich BBQ), cake, toasts, dancing...and roller skating.  Guys.  It. Was. The. Best. Ever.  I guess I hadn't really put much thought into how GOOD of roller skaters Charity and Austin were.  Buuuuut...they're REALLY GOOD!  They go so fast!  It was absolutely hilarious to watch.  They had so much fun with their friends and family...it was perfect.  And I'm so glad we got to be there for it.

Charity and Austin...you're day was a blessing to us and your marriage is going to be an awesome adventure.  You'll have more memories than you know what to do with.

McKenzie and Janine

Let's just have fun together.  Are you planning a wedding?  Let's chat!