Wedding Cake in the Sioux City Area
The Best* Cupcakes in Sioux City, Iowa
I have a confession to make. I sat behind Megan and Brandon's cake table for an extended period of time just to memorize the smell their wedding cake, cupcakes, and cake balls. I'm also completely unashamed.
How have I never heard of Sugar Mama Sweet Shop?! I pass by Sergeant Bluff, Iowa not infrequently...which is the best idea for my hearts sake...for my pants sake, it's the worst.
If you are looking for a wedding cake in the Sioux City, Vermillion, Yankton, Omaha area...please check them out! And please take me with you to your cake tasting. PLEASE.
Sugar Mama Sweet Shop
Sergeant Bluff, Iowa
(They're also located in my heart. And belly.)
*Best meaning: I ate a cupcake and a cake ball...I'm unashamed, and if you're looking for treats in that area, please go here.
I feel ya girls...I was in Heaven too.